
Gay Pride


土曜日にいかないつもりだったけど、次の日休みだし、みんな SOHOにいるってゆうんででかけました。ゲイってひとくくりに出来ない。 
でも彼らの努力で現在のロンドンでのゲイの人たちのポジションが確立されているのはたしかだなー。 「a single man」という映画を見て感じた。 ちなみにいい映画だからみてみて!
日本もあそこまでいかずとももっとオープンになればいいのに。 そして、障害のあるひとだっておじいちゃんだって誰だって参加自由さ。 ストレートも。

I didn't plan but I went to gay pride in soho because all my friend were there...
There are so many kind of people and we can't say how is gay people (in gay pride) like.
I think because of their hard work from the past,they can be just how they are in Europe now.
For job, friendship or anything. I felt that after watching "a single man"
My flatmate says he is so lucky to live in 2010.
Doesn't have to be so extreme but Japan should be like here very soon.
I noticed everybody in SOHO were just enjoying the moment including very old people, people with impaired ,any nationalities even straight of course!
Summer has come!