
Before academy

My equipments are soo heavy already!

Now I'm at YMCA in watford. just outside of London.
I started academy on Monday and today is my day off.
It's only 5days in the class but feels soooooooo long to us.
Students are around 20years old so most of them had never left house or never shared house with anybody else.

Most of us never shared room with other 3people!

About interview may be some of you are curious about How we get this job.
Or maybe not. If so,this isn't interesting one so you can pass it.
I'll put some pictures soon.

The company I work for it called " Steiner " they own thir beauty products and spa on land and ships.
We are all corified tequnitian and try to get job on Board to get more experience.
This comparny is based in England and Miami. And people from all of the world are having interview in everywhere.

My interview was in Tokyo and they checked my English, cutting skill, hairstyling and etc... I'm not good at public speaking but we must speak in front of guests on bord so they check how confident you are.

After passing the interview in Tokyo. We have interview using Skype.
The interviewer is in Austria and I was in Shimane! How amazing!

I used my dads working space and using my wig to show her how I style the hair. She was very nice and I wasn't so nurvus once I started.

Just make use non of your family don't get in during your interview!

luckily I got job somehow then starting training in here.

私の働いている会社はsteiner と言って、世界のいろんなところでインタビューを受けることができます。 spaの会社なので美容師だけでなく、ビューティシャン、ネイリスト、パーソナルトレイナー、鍼灸師の人も受けられます。



ただウェブサイトによると船に乗る前にかなりのお金が必要になるので、日本でどちらにしろバイトしてお金を貯めないといけないのは確か。(アカデミーまでの往復の旅費、アカデミーにいる間の昼食代、バス代、ユニフォーム代、メディカルチェック、 船が決まったあとの港までの交通費、ホテル代など 自己負担)





-- from iPad