
Bordeaux Explorer

My first cruise!
I'm going to upload this blog for myself to remember where I went.

My first week was crazy.
So many things to know but it was hard to ask some question to my colleague because I didn't know what is my question was.
And they didn't know what I didn't know either!!
The people in the SPA are very nice and they teach me lot of things I needed.

We have to attend education of this ship and environment.
Then we have test too.
Drill for new crew members and some paper work.
We have to do drill for each cruise within 24 hours after embark.
And each parson has different responsibility. We have to guide the guests safety.

Every thing was new to me and so confusing in the ship.
Even this ship is the smallest one in the cruise line but still complicated for me.
Just reminds me when I was working at the hotel in Tokyo.
I don't have a sense of direction....

3日後なのでした。 みんな同じ苦労をしてたくましく働いて現在に至るようです。

東京で派遣美容師のアルバイトをしていた時はだいたい質問内容は決まっていて、サロンによって違うところをメモしていたのですが、そういうパターンにはハマりませんでした。 美容のことだけでなく、船での決まり、衛生管理などの教育を受け、乗船後72時間以内にコンピューターでテストを受けて80パーセント以上のスコアを獲得しないといけないのです。
私、 夜中に一人黙々とコンピューターの前で涙目になりながら、英語と格闘後、見事100点のサティフィケーションを獲得したのでした。
